Introducing bit_of_hex


This is the beginning of my digital forensics & incident response blog, bit_of_hex. This blog is born of the philosophy that everyone in the DFIR space has something to contribute, at any level or area within the community.

I also realised that I have benefited for so long from other people’s research and effort that it was time I gave something back. Many times when I have searched for that particular forensic artefact or obscure problem I’ve found someone who has taken the time to publish their own research. I’m hoping that perhaps some of my work can assit others in the same way.

My professional background was originally the ‘DF’ in DFIR; however, I’d like to use this space to explore different areas across the wide range of topics covered in our field.

If you have any suggestions, corrections, or comments I am available at [email protected] or via Twitter at @mattnotmax

Thanks for reading! Matt